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New York state overhauls information technology services

In an effort to modernize the state’s IT services, New York is in the midst of consolidating staff and updating policies.

At an international conference this week in Albany focused on improving electronic governance, New York officials spoke about why they’re completely overhauling the state’s information technology services.

Kim McKinney is the Chief Operations Officer at the newly created Office of Information Technology Services (ITS).

She says the overhaul was needed to improve efficiency in a bureaucracy with 27 different email systems.

“There’s no reason that everyone should have their own email system, everybody has their own computer center. By pulling that all together we can look at cost savings.”

Starting next month about 4,000 IT workers at various state agencies will officially begin reporting to the new Office of Information Technology Services, although most will remained housed in their respective agencies.

See more of Marie's coverage of the 6th International Conference of Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV) here.